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coco-headed-in-lalaland @blogspot.com ♥
Sunday, December 13, 2009

"Chasing Stars"

Recently, around the date of 10th december 2009. Fang Hua, Felicia, Yeeru and I went to the samsung Hub to watch the Korean stars who had arrived in Singapore for a small concert. The Korean Bands are famous in singapore as well, so there are a lot of people crowding around the airport last night when they arrived in Singapore. We never went to see them at the airport, instead, we went for a meet and greeting at the church st. It was the first time we wanted to see the stars, yet we never succeed in doing so. As it turned out that, only the lucky fans get to have the chance to see them, the others can just stand outside the glass panel and watch them. But the problem is that there are too many people crowding around the stars, so eventually, we have no chance ot even see them properly. That is very sad!!! so haha.. I c I C....

I think that I will not go for the stars anymore.. haha
Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Hi! I see that this blog is dying!!! So, I try my best to keep up with the recent news on what gouyingdang has gone through. First of all, we really take a lot of time going out together. We have gone to the 4E1 chalet, ruiying's belated birthday and so on.. We also take a lot of funny photos and upload them on facebook. So here is the problem... FACEBOOK!!! It has grown to be so popular that there has been a recent study showing that people are starting to develop their new psychological disease called-- facebook addiction. so be careful.

Anyway, recently I myself am fasinated by a show named - You are beautiful or handsome? It is a korean drama! At first, I thought this is going to be another boring show of love story. Sometime, you can just be sick of love story that is not true. So, I tried not to look at it. However, one day when I was browsing throught different dramas, I noticed that this show was so popular, and generally everyone who watched it like the drama. So I went ahead and watched it, it was then that it occured to me that it is such a great show. Not only the actors are good, the drama is funny and close to reality.

All the actors inside the drama can sing well, some of them are even members of popular bands in Korea. So when the storyline talked about singers, it was closer to the reality. Making some of the fans even dreaming of such new band from forming.

The show is about a band named A.N.JELL, which was going to include a new member into their band. However as the guy was physically not well, the guy's twin sister was asked to be the replacement temperarily. So the funny story occured between the girl and the other band members as they lived together.

I especially like the Jang Keun Suk. He is 22 years old and can really act well, sing well and dance well! I have noticed that those shows that he made are of different characteristics. Even so, he can potray each charcters very well, showing their inner feelings and attitudes towards the charcter's life. So I really feel that he has a bright future ahead of him. Most importantly, he has a really nice smile. That makes everything looks perfect on him.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Hi!!!!!! Long time no see!!! WOOWWW.. This is the end of our junior college 1!!! Next year, we will be facing with more difficulties and challenges related to our A level!!!!! WOOW.. It had been a hard year for most of us, as we needed to search informations for our project work and impoved our presentation skills!!!! Sometimes the others would not agree with what we wanted to express, but we still have to face the situations with easy mind!!! After going though the life in junior college, I realise that secondary school and primary school are really just a small problems in life. Doing well in them do not mean that we can do well in junior college, doing well in school lives do not mean that we can do well in our career. Life is full of challenges, and there is no time for one to become complacent . We need to be awared at all the time as one small wrong step may lead to a great downfall eventually.......

I can safely say that secondary school life is the happiest time while I am in Singapore. I make a lot of great friends and these friends really cherish me as who I am. So I decide to make a video on these friends. This video is entitled - Gouyingdang in the air- enjoy


Monday, August 31, 2009


its beeeeen so long since i last posted
we went back to ZH today for teachers' day :D

after the concert, me, tee, pu yuan, jess, robin & gary bused back to ZH.
(sry, its the dunno how many times i have said this. THE DANCE PERFORMANCE IS SUPER COOL =x)

met ting, ying & huimin while walking
so long neva walk the familiar road liao.

reached the school n the 1st tcher we saw is lian lao shi
but she dun quite rmb our names ):

den me & ting rushed to find ms ong cos she was leaving
later huimin came running excitedly to ms ong after talking to lian lao shi
the scene super funny xD

went to find mr poh next outside the library & met mrs ngiam outside GO.
took some pictures with them :D

sadly, ms tan left school for further studies, i think, le.
so we hang around & chit chatted outside the staff room to see if there is luck to see mrs ho.

awww~my dear hubby xD dun miss me too much!
some photos



saw mrs ho

yingmin tou pai mr poh :l

after dat went macs for lunch.

ting' head n my head cannot be differentiated xD

everyone else left & me, ting & ying went to tpy to walk ard.
while busing...


ting bought shoes while ying bought PLENTY of clothes xD
she realli can hen guo duan de buy things.. not like us.
n i went home empty handed =x

felt so happy today
realli miss the times in ZH & the very cute cheerful teachers.
the jc teachers cant replace them
n the feelings are so different

- fang

Sunday, August 16, 2009

My almost 3 weeks old baby hamham!!

So happy i finally keep 3 baby hamhams alive for almost 3weeks le!! but unfortunately the three still died T_T these were de only memories of them~~~~~~~
They were really v v v v cute ><

Cute ba? xD


Cameron Highland


haha~ dis june holi~ my family n my papa's fren's family went cameron highland tgt! anw.. my papa fren's daughter was also from AJ de =)) and we gt de same econs tcher!haha.. seriously.. we dint took much photos dere since i've been dere the 5th time le><

STRAWBERRY PANCAKE! Looks nice? haha actually it will taste much more nicer if they add more strawberry jam~ more strawberry~ and a hotter pancake xD

STRAWBERRY ICECREAM and WAFFLE! another 2 YUMMY deserts xD haha we ordered 2 cups of ice cream!(my papa eats alot..tts y.. =D)Its not tt ex..ard 7rm..which is about 3.20sgd ba? haha

these are de strawberries we picked from the farm!! so BIG n RED and JUICY-LOOKING right? haha..the first thing we got back to our hotel..i took out my phone n started taking photos of de strawberies xD n jie arrange de strawberry nicely xD

these 2 photos were my favourites!! haha look so "high-class" ba? xD like dose plates of fruits u can only find on the king's table! haha


Lunch @ ASTONS =D

Finally June holi le! waited for SOOOOO LONG xD but i think i cant really play much during this holi =( exams coming =(( me, fang, ying n tee went astons for lunch at the cathay dere~ no air con de.. but still quite nice~ xD haha anw! finally can see estee agn le! LOLS~ and she brought my pressie~ seriously..i will only use tt pressie in many many years time..LOLS! tdy is also ying's fashijie and she bought a heart shape thinggy w shampoo~ scrub~ and comb inside~ haha it looks so cute xD cannot b found in sg de wor!! tee was thinking of putting tt in her sch toilet so she can use it when she stay in sch overnight! so FUNNY xD we ate salmon..drank hot latte..lemon lime chicken..and some other side dishes~ gt onion rings~ mashed potatos~ fries~ quite nice =D stay dere for quite long n keep chatting.. haha nan de have de time to chat! n tee actually bought each of us a frenshipband (as wad she has promised ahfang)! we tied it on our right leg.. it looks weird at first.... but its quite nice =)) as usual, i took pink and ym took purple.. fang left de last choice : blue.. and tee's is yellow!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Bugis Junction on 3rd April 2009

OOOO! i finally post le =x LOLS.. delayed for 4 months le! so sry ppl~~~~~~ haha.. so these are the photos we'd took =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD same thing.. estee is unable to make it tt day =(( anw..i feel so sorry tt i've forgotten everything tt we'd done tt day xD

