RANDOM STUFFSits been such a looooong time since we last post liao.
well, im starting to get busy le
my AR training starts this week
trainings on tues, wed, thurs & sat with wed as the PT..
this means that i only have fri free ):
AR still quite fun to me but i think it will start to get bored after some time.
im super not good in socialising so i'll need more time to noe the ppl in AR
had been feeling quite awkward during this week's training.
zhgz syf is on mon. we are not able to go support them
but at least we went back to encourage them last thurs.
this time tee can finally go but ying cant go =_=
they did their best and got silver (:
i FINALLY got my PW grp on wed.
my grp quite good actually and the vice pres of sc is in my grp
she is super on :l and already assign us with things to do.
speaking of sc, tee is still very busy with the sc stuffs.
hope she will get less busy after the invest. she needs some rest too (:
i din see and talk to her so often as last time le
realli wan june hols to come soon so the 4 of us can b complete again.
have to endure 1 plus more mth.
there isnt much time for me this week yet im here slacking.
failed my 1st econs test & my physics test probably wun pass too
i sound so demoralising.
bleahs :l
- fang
Hi everybody i am back.. the secret agent.... yeh.... so since there is somebody in this world ask for the picture of saito takumi... therefore i post some on the blog.. so thats take a look.....

oh.. and our class play a game of pocking balloons... at first it doesnt really work.. and all the balloon burst... but the second time we try... we nev break the balloon.. yeh... this is how happy we are.... any way...we dont really add glues to make the balloon not to be burst... we do it with nothing but the satay stick... so .... i am proud of myself... haaaaaa...

- ying
it has been quite a long time since i last post liao. think ard 2 weeks.
ting wans me to take photo of tee, which i haven done yet
i din talk much to tee for the past 4 days ):
she is still as busy (she got into SC le!) cos she needs to prepare for the investiture currently
quite ke lian...her leg full of mosquito bites and she sprained her leg oso
i think she told u all already.
im starting to suspect that vjc has lots of mosquitoes cos i have the mosquito bites too.
today is the art fest opening.
most of the performing arts groups performed their syf pieces.
i find the dance quite cool :l feel like learning dance now! ><
im supposed to release at 1.55pm if there is no pw.
in the end have to stay until 4.30pm because of the thing ):
i shall end here cos i have no idea wat to write liao ~.~
JIAYOUS ALL especially to tee (:
- fang
Hi... Family day in AJC
wel.. haaaa....so i still write too much le.. but just to show you the family day in ajc... haaaa..haaaa...haaaa...

- ying