Wednesday, March 25, 2009
TEE here !!! omg ... i miss u guys so much !!!
I'm very touched by it!!!
And just to sae U GUYS ARE GREAT !
SORRY IT has been a long time since i have post anything here.
as for the sc result [ IT'S OUT alr AND YOU GUYS'LL NOE IT ON FRIDAY OR EVEN TML-- SO DO CHECK IT OUT. haha :)], i'll tell you guys nxt time i see u guys !!!
3 cheers for u guys,, HIP HIP HURRAY (3x)
Will try my best to go out wif u guys !!!
240309 LunCh @ JustAcia
ytd VJC have half-day & we r released at 10.30am cos of our school's good a level results.
:DD so me, tee, pu yuan, jess, robin & gary went to suntec's JustAcia to eat lunch
initially wanted to go compasspoint the library
but JustAcia got free flow of ice cream & drinks.
we stayed dere until 3+ i think
after we finish eating we still stay to chit chat & study while continuing with our servings of ice cream & drinks
must realli eat dao zhi de dat price...lols~
after dat, we walked to the mrt station
on the way, tee keep saying boxers very comfortable
say wan to buy boxers and asking us got wear before anot. super funny lah!
if i describe sure not funny one.
(forgot to say she wan to find French BF oso XD)
den we went to popular walk walk. we spent quite some time dere before gg home.
pu yuan & gary took bus while the rest of us took the mrt.
as usual, im the last to alight :l
if im not wrong, this shld b the first outing we have for zh 2e7'06 victorians o.o
but guopei & edward neva go.
today is gary's b'dae
we wished and sang b'dae song for him this morning :D
tee knows whether she gets into SC today oso.
she haven tell me the results yet but i noe she can definitely get in de! (:
hope there is good news for us tml!
- fang
Sunday, March 22, 2009
since i have finished my hw already i shall post to liven up the blog. hahas =X
finally get to see tee ytd :DD
actually wanted to go find her while she is doing her task for DARE 2
but her location too ulu, den scared cannot find her so change to have lunch tgt at tampines mall
so sad ): cos have been looking forward to this day to SEE HUNKS TGT!
LOLS. jus joking
long time neva talk to her liao so very happy to see her
she reached TM with the rest of the SC noms at 12.30pm
my 1st impression of the noms is funny and sort of weird =P
asked her abt how is the DARE 2, den her ans made me laughed *-*
lols! obviously it was bored cos she had to stay at the location alone to guide the participants ):
while walking tee said wanna buy friendship bands for the 4 of us (can get it tml!)
went to long john silver to eat tgt with the SC noms
order cheesy fries & chips combo while tee order the 2 pcs chicken :D
shervin (one of the SC noms) super funny.
one girl went to the toilet den dun have seat. he go take the baby chair or toddler chair for her XD
i had to chiong my food cos i have harmoc prac at 1.30pm T_T
but i still eat very slow cos too hard to swallow...
talked to tee while eating den agree to ring the captain's bell later
but din get to...i had rushed my way to take bus after finishing my food
no photos again cos too gan liaos.
in the end still late for 30 mins ~.~ hahas
though stay with tee for a veh short time but still veh happy
at least we can still maintain our friendship.
at night, chit chatted with tee on msn while doing my hw
im not gg to say the details of our chat. :P
well, i still look forward to our meeting next time :D
- fang
hello... i am ying...anyway.... wat so ever... i am very very very sleepy... dear me... hahaaa... but i still think i better write something... since they are trying so hard to publish every thing....then i should as well.. i guess... you have seen the dear fang and xueting's new friend.. and nev get to c mine... well.. i must say i am becoming very fat.. and the photos that i take is in really bad state... welll.. so just endure it ba... but all my other friends are quite nice looking... so they are not bad photos after all....

i also dont know why i look so ugly... it hurts me... hai.... anyway... maybe i am too sian in that chem tutorial... so these are the 6 friends of mine hanging out during recess every day... i am so sorry that i haven been go for recess with xueting for a long time... hai sorry sorry... sorry sorry...
i still have some photos on my hand... it is about fang and me... welll.... lets take a look....

this picture is taken while i am alone... well can you feel .....loneliness

Then i raise up my head and saw the rainbow... just above my flat.. i must say that day is the very worse day of mine... so seeing a rainbow as the end of day.. make me feel a little easy about myself...

lastly.. i am ym.. yingmin.... yeh.. hahaaa

- ying
Friday, March 20, 2009

ying... here... hahaa
hi... I have a dear pet name...wisgina... hahaaa.dont noe how it sounds but my friends say that it sound like a kind of indian god... well... this hurt my feeling... but never mind... it is still my dear pet....
it has fun every day... visiting friends around the place... well... it is nice to have me as its boss..
- ying
harmoc camp @ vjc
hohoho. since ting post abt her harmoc camp, i shall post too XD
its like 3-4 days ago liao. but nvm lah =x
started on mon 160309 9am, ended on tues 170309 4pm
day 1
9am reach dere jiu practice...until 11.45am. den eat lunch.
we were separated into groups. no one i know, except for 2 who are pu yuan classmate & my bunkmate. im in grp 6 :D
started off with ice breakers or watever
too bored, my grp play lao ying zhua xiao ji (LOLS)
next, amazing race in the rain =_= my "new" shoes were soaked.
my grp went to paya lebar, den changi airport t3, to bedok den back to school.
there were 6 stations altogether, but all grps din finish it
back to school and waited for the 'auction' to start
is bid with our points we got from amazing race
bid for 2 prizes. lucky both are good ones. super funny!
eat dinner next. supposed to bath but can choose to bath after the whole thing.
lots of free time so chit chatted with the canteen people XD
actually most are from my bunk plus robin
played super fast and quiet version of tukituki oso (im always lagging ><)
after dat is night games. starting with being blindfolded and find our grp using the sound given (my grp is oink! oink oink! =X)
den we played some station games...
SC is siao one! they oso have night games...den got something like ghost or watever (is mental patients, corrected by tee) to scare them i think. have to ask tee to describe.
cos on our way from station to station, we need to pass by the koi pond.
there veh dark...den got someone taking umbrella den act ghost...
as u all noe, im scared of this kind of thing, even if it is human act one. T_T
after night games still got harmoc game =_= harmoc camp realli need to have harmoc.
diff grps have to blow certain notes given den guess wat song it was.
went to bath den go watch movie until 2am. i was so tired dat i hardly pay attention to the movie.
day 2
wake up at 7am, brush teeth, wash face, eat breakfast.
harmoc prac at 9am to 11.45am again. got to noe wat section im in already.
section 3 ): same as robin. i dun wan section 3 ><
eat lunch, den wet games next.
changed grp again. grp 5 with robin.
seniors super bad lah..see i so dry jiu pour water on me T_T
well, i still got wet even though im trying to stay dry.
bruises on my legs because of the scissors paper stone game. need to slide on benches & compete with another grp.
overall, harmoc camp super duper slack compared to SC nominee camp ><
bleahs, i sound super sian & naggy in this post.
i din take any photos so this post only words =X
so sad this week cant meet up with any one though its holiday...
everyone is so busy except me, the slacker. ):
i shall start meeting ting & the rest on sats after harmoc prac to study in tpy library next week.
time to do my GP essay le!
jiayous ba!
- fang
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Harmo Camp @ AJC
Well well.. de first day of harmo camp turned out to b a disastrous day.. mayb cos of de sudden rescheduled of activities.. from all de ice-breaking games to a 3 hours peer tutoring prac in was.......boring =D esp when me n ying.. although in de same homeroom cannot sit tgt while practising =( was horrible when every 1 hour later.. one batch of seniors will come in to tell us tt other j2s were having lectures and wanted us to persevere for another one hour.. omg?! it was dam funny when de J2s asked the J1s if we have any lectures during Mar holi and in de end its de J2s who are having lectures..
anw..aft tt boring aft.. we were finally playing games.. bonding gams i supposed? my group onli has 5 its easy to get along w everyone =) we played games like double whacko, i've never been, husband n wife and much more games..=D wads de most interesting will be Mother hen n chicks! it sounds like lao ying zhua xiao ji but in reality its much more fun! its almost de same idea as lao ying zhua xiao ji but dere were addition of balloons and a cup of water which de mother hen hold in hand.. our mother hen is a guy =DD lols.. it was a battle betw 2 groups and de fun started when de other group's mother hen started screaming at top of her voice!!! NON stop!!! n of cos.. our mother hen cant scream cos he is a guy.. LOLS! in de end.. we lose cos our water were all spilled n balloons were -gone-
Actually, me, ying, joyce, felicia and yeeru were intending to skip de next day's camp.. but it was hard to get an mc..(i really don feel like gg de next day.. it was really a waste of time>.<) However! smth changed my mind! i was in de same group as yeeru n ying for de 2nd day camp!! haha its great to have other 2 zhrians ard w me xDD the 2nd day's camp was FUN! esp when i do not have to worry bout my lunch...yeeru shared lunch w me xD and ying was beside me saying im kongbu..cos i can nv fin a box of rice....ofcos.. i did tell yeeru bout my phobia of outdoor rice..LOLS..i noe im weird! next we took pics in de toilet...haha we were clever enough not to surrender our phones! aft lunch.. we were having Amazing race which was like de shi zi lu kou.. quite least we get to get out of de sch..lols.. but its a rather tiring n long walk from de sch to AMK central..the Amazing race was quite short and we onli get to eat 5 foods..( 1 egg 2 drinks 1 choco n 1 fruit) The camp ended w a performance by all the J1s harmockees and some cheers..During de finale, our camp organiser actually cried!! she mentioned the hardships she had while doing de 67 pages PROPOSAL! now i can finally understand how hard it is to organise a camp..whether be it fun or boring =) at least our J2s did put in their efforts =D
My 7-years old COUSIN!Ok.. i've promised fang to let her see how my cousin plays maple>.< My cousin came my hse tt day. which i forgt which day was it =X his family was here to see my ahgong.. so my dis lil cousin gt so tired of staring at my hamhams cos he cannot take dem out to play ( robrovski hamhams is an active breed and i dont dare to take dem out of cage cos i noe dere will b a high possibility of letting dem run away.. not like winter white hamham which i usually kept last time.. ) So i thot of opening maple and let him play.. of cos.. i lend him my noob char =) cos beginners always have high chances of killing the chars =) see de way he play! me n my sis were standing beside him laughing every minute when his hands crossed >.< he used my pots " profusely"!! so xin tong >.< anw its jus blue pots =x he is cute isnt it? =D

Cos this is jus a short post.. i shall put a pic tt me, san san n jess took in TPY library.. We meet out to do hw on sat at de library and also w lecia.. so guai rite~~ X.X haha anw i managed to fin all my chem n phys hw tt day! i stayed from 3 to 8 and i realise i can concentrate alot in de library! tts y this sat which is 21 Mar.. me n ym were meeting out agn to study in de library..fang n tee are welcomed too! but fang has harmo prac till 3.. omg y gt cca on sat de T_T zui tao yan~ anw i have nt met estee for ard 3 or 4 weeks.. such a busy girl~ and ying n fang haven meet for 2 weeks.. so dey beta meet up dis sat to fulfil our every fornight meeting! =D

Hui Min's Bdae ~Actually deres onli 2 photos..i donno but i think we dint have de time to take pics? haha.. anw i bought a minnie for huimin =)) i love de baby clothes>.< esp de BUNNY SHOES!! haha actually deres another mickey in blue baby clothes too! and it was wearing a pair of bear bear shoes >.< but i dint buy it..mayb next yr?? anw.. tt day mus b a very happy bdae for huimin.. Our class sang a bdae song to her at de very last minute when me n huimin were walking out of our homeroom. Huimin was so surprised and kept running away cos she's embarrassed >.< and on tt day itself.. one guy called Desmond was happy bdae-ing huimin throughout de whole day whenever he sees huimin! Huimin although a lil irritateed but was still VERY happy =D u can see her smile whole day!

The following day.. which is a fri..half of de classmates decide to treat huimin lunch @ pizza hut at j8.. haha~ anw.. here are some cool photos we took on tt fri..we were in de nano lab and everyone was wearing dis pair of huge black glasses.. in case some nano rays or wadeva goes into ur eyes ??

This is a pic of our phys tcher~ the real one was on maternity leave.. anw our chem n phys tcher were both on maternity leave! dis phys tcher, Mr kang, was an ex-ajcian and he was onli 22 yrs old! he was quite fun.. at least u wont feel uneasy standing beside him.. HAha.. i rmb one time i kept on laughing away at one of my fren.. smth v weird happen to her software (we were in com lab doing projectile motion thinggy)and i started laughing non-stop AGN!! (i really had not laughed so much since de 4 of us get separated n me n ying were in diff classes..fang, tee n ying shld noe i gt such a weird habit of laughing)And my continuous laughing attracted mr Kang's attention and he came to me.. and i was still laughing!! cant.. stand.. it..=XXX

So sad tt i dint took any pics at pizza hut.. although i have lots of free time.. tt pizza hut person.. 4gt to cook mine!!! everyone had alr fin deir food when mine comes -.- in de end everyone was waiting for me >.< so paiseh >.< ANW! i realise smth! i was de 2nd youngest gal in my class (my class has 13girls =))) and my bdae is on MAY! most of de girls' bdae were squeezed between Feb and Mar and this was de time when im gg to get bankrupt =) there were some who are 1 yrs older dan me cos dey were from countries =)
VIVO-ING on 28 Feb~~
Woah i noe im very very very late to post these piccs... which was like so many weeks ago -.- SORRY~ haha but dere were really tones of sch wk @_@ anw i still managed to post dem as fast as poss T_T These were some photos we took during our once a fornight~ meeting w fang n ying (sad thing tt estee cmi =(( ) we were climbing tt flight of steps n ying suddenly said tt it would b ARTISTIC to take a photo on those steps o.o

Ying started making weird faces at fang.. and below are some other pics we took w our weird faces too =D

I donno y i look at ying like dis.. but im trying to b scary.. lols.. but it turns out become i an lian ying o.o LOLS and ying was looking into the sky o.o

Next.. me n fang were sitting on de flights of steps =))

Haha.. dis is an interesting pic >.< fang "sleeping" on de handrails and ying standing behind! haha

Next.. ying thot of ss us from a top view and ask me n fang run down to the 2nd floor and she shall took our pic from the 3rd floor.the pic comes out to be quite small..but its interesting anw =)

Next, we went for lunch at was raining heavily when we got dere..anw de rain stop quite fast =/ haha see the "xiang si" look of ying xD she must b thinking of me.. LOLS!!

So tt's all for our 2nd meeting in 2009 =D look forward to meeting dem agn >.<
- ting
Monday, March 16, 2009

Bike ralley.. road marshall....
I think that this is the easiest way for you to get a 20 hour cip....yes by being a road marshal for the bike ralley... i not only get 20 hour of cip... but also the sleep a lot... haaaa.... but i am still very tired till now... wel the job is fun while doing it all by myself.. i mean i direct the cyclists the correct way in the middle of the road... very some of them are greatful and they smile to me... showing their thumb to me... yeh... it is very happy indeed... some of them even give me a high 5 while they passed me... well.. i am so happy.... yeh... hahahaaaa. then there is one guy on the bike shouting to me triumphantly. " 100km per hour.." well that is exaggeration, but it just show how happy and excitied they are about the game... i am happy working for them... hahahaa... they are kind people, though they dont really talk to me much but i can feel their commitment in the bike and towards life.... this is a bike competition, and it is quite easy for people to go in wrong direction as singapore is so big... hahaha( this is what i feel when i am the road marshal..) but when one of the cyclist try to go the other way in wrong diection all the other cyclists shouted out... well.. no one want to get hurt... sitting under the hot sun .. is really a joy for me... haaaa but i am turning black... next time you c me on the street.. you will find me a chaoda....hahahaaa
- ying
Saturday, March 14, 2009
this afternoon i got harmoc prac from 1pm to 3pm.
puyuan got piano exam i think. so left me & robin ):
so sad lah. i still cant catch up & dunno how to blow ):
im not musically inclined man!
mon-tues still got harmoc camp. not quite looking forward to it.
but i had been looking forward for harmoc prac to end :DD
met with ting @ suntec tgt with her jie & jiefu.
super crowded lo...cos got the IT show.
we went to the kiap bear machine dere =X as usual
but 1stly i have to change out of my uniform before i can enter.
actually, the outing was decided last min
so i neva bring clothes to change. ting lend me hers :D
look super weird with her tshirt & my school skirt ~.~
stay dere awhile, den we went to watch THE TALE OF DESPEREAUX @ eng wah cinema


after the movie, we went back to kiap bear dere xD
ting's jiefu spent dunno how much to get the mouse for me >< (its more than $10)
its not kiap de but the push kind. dunno how to say.
so touched! guess it is because i told ting it is cute =X

THIS IS THE MOUSE! i put it on my bag :DDD
den we decided to go back at around 8 plus liddat.
when we were about to reach the entrance of underground path to cityhall mrt (dunno how to say), ting realised her wallet & handphone are missing!!
so anxious... ><
while she recall where she left them, we walked briskly all the way back to the eng wah cinema
LUCKILY, her wallet & handphone were left in the cinema.
if not, she will feel super sad! heartbroken :l
her wallet contains $50, and her handphone costs $400++
can imagine how worried she was.
den we walked back to the mrt
i went home while ting & her jie, jiefu go visit her ahgong in hospital.

me & ting in the mrt while waiting for train.
im so happy to see ting today :DD
i had fun.
thanks for the mouse & lending me ur tshirt~!
look forward to our next meeting (:
VOG 130309
its VOG ytd!
in case u dunno wat VOG means, it is vjc very own games i think.
it isnt particularly fun for those not participating in any games.
so i was super sian. walking ard with my frens to watch some games.
at least, the cheerleading competition part did entertain me XD
pegasus got 3rd in cheerleading but 1st for VOG!! :DD
since tee oso in pegasus, i wouldnt offend her for saying this =x
to say the truth, lynx cheer is nice (scratch scratch!) ><
& phoenix cheer is quite fun =X (*stomp stomp, lap lap lap lap, clap clap, lap lap lap lap*)
nth much actually, so i shall jus post some photos.

haha. some random photos of some ppl from my class & 1 random girl.
looks funny with the horse pose XD

a group photo of my class @ the tennis court

class photo @ the canteen. actually onli half of the class was dere
finally i get to post some photos of me & my class in school.
- fang