Friday, February 27, 2009
Summary of 2 weeks events in vjc
okays...the blog is kinda dead now. so i decided to post some things dat happen in vjc :D
210209 to 220209
me, tee, robin, puyuan, jess, guopei n gary went for the ODAC B2B camp.
it was super fun!! woots~ me & puyuan were in cheetah XD
the only thing i hate is running...cos need to carry the super heavy bag!
B2B camp got something like cluedo game from orientation on the 1st day which made us rush from st patricks to suntec to amk hub to punggol park to changi village n finally to pulau ubin, where we had to cycle...
it had been half a yr, i think, since i last cycled. im still a beginner in cycling btw.
my group got lots of casulties...2 "flew" from the bike. 2 cut their hand during the field cooking & 1 of the 2 who cut their hand fell on her face while gg to the first aid...poor thing :l
lucky nth happen to me, though i fell down on the bike. (din get injured surprisingly)
tee's group oso got 1 girl fell down from the bike on the exactly same road where the 2 from my group fell. cursed road isnt it?
after field cooking was campfire. the "sparks" from the fire kept flying to us!!
every group had to perform during the campfire.
my group was super sick...about les n gays ~.~ (initial idea came from puyuan =X)
after campfire, we had bonding time with our group den we went to sleep.
i could actually sleep in the cramp tent! ~.~ (6 ppl squeeze in a 4-men tent)
2nd day was dragon boating & school activities.
i love the dragon boating! :D splash ppl with water!!
but the sea water keep getting into my eyes...*-*
den i got sabo to become "model" for one of the activities. i forgot the name.
n our hair was covered with flour in the 'i guess, i guess, i guess guess guess' activity. i dunno how to ans the questions! ~.~
after all the activities, we were released le!!
overall, i love the camp alot :D tee love it too!
but im not gg to join ODAC cos i think its not suitable for me. its too tiring.
tee cant join too, cos she is now nominee of SC!
i joined harmoc officially on this day! robin & puyuan joined too :D
at least im not alone~
it was our 1st training. the others got pure notes alr...but i still cant ):
btw i want to join air rifle too. robin wants to join also XD
ytd was HBL (home-based learning) day.
i seriously dun like it...its super luan!!
i actually miss the discussion for econs. cos i receive the msg needing us to go on9 at 9.15am onli when i on my phone at 11.00am.
the msg was sent at 12.00am plus, the time when i was already sound asleep.
i was like O_O cant the teacher inform us earlier???
den there was the stupid PE assignments. (PE ACTUALLY NEED ELEARNING??)
the quiz still okay. but the other part, where we need to write our 300 words comments, feels like we are doing GP assignment...
finally come to today le!
today is cross country.
actually i walk most of the way, jogging occasionally onli
& i got position 750 O_O tee got 805. both of us were walking~ but not tgt
the house committee must have felt super disappointed.
well, after dat i went for my class lunch while tee went for hers
den i go to tpy to buy my shoes. finally after a long wait ~.~ (mum forbid me to buy shoes during CNY period. xie)
n i met with ting, bought bubble tea n sat down to chit chat ^^
i was super shocked...when i saw her shoes were the ones i bought ~.~
omgosh! we r gg to b twins if this goes on.
we got the same bag, same brand of hp, n now SHOES?!
i look forward to tml! :D
can meet with ting n ying~
tee is too busy to join us ): she got sc bonding thing.
but we gg to the same location as she is, hoping we can meet :D
hope for a better day tml (:
- fang
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Bears Bears Bears Bears --- CUTE xDWOAh! lots of bear bear rite? xD as u noe..we went ard sg kiaping dose cute lil bearbears on dis year valentine's.. anw i gt dis habit from my jiejiejiefu..dey were so called "pros" in kiapping bear bears ler.. dey kiap almost every time dey patoh..haha So these were de JIE ZUOs of my jiejie n jiefu.. alot bah =D i guess dey must hav spent a hundred $s on these..haha.. no matter wad.. dey kai xin jiu hao.. it was quite hard to take dese photos..hav to make sure dey are big n of HQ..acutally, dere shld b another 2 polar bears of pink n blue ribbons but i havnt take deir pics yet..(we kiap dem ytd =D) mayb nxt time when we successfully kiap de bigger ones and i shall take a family photo agn! a family photo for de polar bears.. =DD

haha wide varieties of bear bears xD
below are four pairs of mickey couples..lols dey were quite cheap..but im nt sure de price..

haha these four mickey n minnie are dam cute! haha mayb from de pic dey don look tt cute..but dey sure look v cute in RL! big ones cost 10sgd eac.. and for de small ones im nt sure..but it is really a great achievement for us when we got it caught! haha

the next 2 photos below are also taken on my jie's bed.. was a so called "family photo" of the BUGSIES~~ haha dey were called bugsy bcos if u really were to twist deir face..dey really look like de guinea pig bugsy in BEDTIME STORIES..haha cute isnt it? xD The big ones were on de side..brown n white..while de other small bugsies were packed up in a PYRAMID shape =D

did u see any difference between dese 2 pics? haha deres an addition of 2 little chicky in de 1st pic!
haha another family photo of other 2 medium bugsies beside de 2 big ones were really hard to KIAP! we spent 14sgd on de white one and 7sgd on de brown one..i rmb me n fang wantd to kiap dem but it was hard! haha..amazingly..we realise de special function of these bugsies!!!! Special function : uses 2 AAA energizer batt (tts y its so heavy to be kiap-ed), reacts w a clapping or snapping of finger or u can jus hit its head, and den!! de bugsy started munching de apple or vege it is holding in its mouth!!! deres munching sound too =D mayb someday i bring it n let u all see xD anw.. its v v v cute! de onli sad thing is tt dey uses my GC batt =( haha
(lols i just realised.. dey can also react if i scream =DDDD)

:D MOVY FEST~~ Im sorry that dis is just a short post but de pics are quite interesting =D (although ym asked me nt to post dem :)Last fri..Most of de AjCians went for Movy Fest which is Movie Festival in long and we watched "The curious case of Benjamin Button"..It was quite a touching story about de love story between Benjamin, the man who grew younger and younger, and his soulmate Daisy.. In de end.. Benjamin died and he was just a SMALL little little BABY! he died in de arms of daisy..who was an old lady by tt time..the ending part was quite nice.. haha.. supposed to go class dinner aft tt movie butden..dey decided it in last minute n i decided nt to go=/ aft de movie.. me decided to went dating w ying..LOLS.. we were shopping in WISMA and we saw all de "high-class" items and ying went "WOAH! HAO SHEN QI ORH" whenever we saw smth tts so creative.. haha.. as ying said, it was like a discovery channel for us.. there were items tt look quite cool but of little uses.. lols..n all dose items are FRAGILE!(like fang)and so suddenly, me n ying thot of buying ALL of dem when we can earn money =D

haha! Guess wads on ying's hand! can see? it was steam or perfume or wadeva we call tt..lols..we walk by dis apartment full of bottles w steam coming out.. and ying was so inquisitive tt she go "catch" dose steam! u can imagine her spitting tt 5words (WOAH! HAO SHEN QI ORH) when she was "catching" the steam.. haha..ya.. and tts her hand.. lols!
Aft tt amazing discovery tour..ying was hungry and we went PEPPERLUNCH! I did not intend to eat in de first place butden i saw dis SALMON CREAM PASTA~ and i feel like trying..haha.. but its quite ex..12.90 + 1.70 for drink..Yingmin ate SALMON FRIED RICE (smth lidat) and our table no. is 69..lols..

lols.. actually deres still a small part of de pic tt was was ym smiling (her usual zei xi xi de smile) haha oh ya de btm one was my PASTA =DD there were lots of MUSHROOMS in it xD it was quite nice and of cos, i did try ying's taste delicious! onli if u add de Honey Brown Sauce.. tasted sweet =P AFt all.. i was too full and i did not manage to fin de ice lemon tea..and it was like im wasting de 1.70sgd =/ ying also nv offer her help! she rather drink cold water dan drink my ice lemon tea! i think she feel happy to drink smth tt is FOC..LOLS! jk >.<
AJC =DHaha here are
some photos ME, HUIMIN n YINGMIN took donno how many days ago.. lols..BTW! im finally posting =D haha.. the first pic is taken in our AJ Square while de others are in a "garden" smth lidat.. haha..actually dere shld b a few more photos O.O but our dear yingmin deleted it =/ there is dis photo whr yingmin took w one of her new donno indian or malay fren aka AMREETH..unique name..haha but yingmin deleted it! >:( hmm.. mayb tee n fang shld take some photos in VJC and let us see how de sch looks like =DD and also ur new frens TOO!

Tada! this is how nerd we look..LOLS

Yupp.. so dis is de small garden w onli a few weird trees and a shelter.. haha..BTW.. did u find smth special bout ying? shes de onli one wearing tie =/ actually we decided to take dese photos in our ties but.. its really dam HOT.. haha and we are lazy to put tt on agn...
- ting
Sunday, February 15, 2009
HEY! Its finally vaLenTinE's dAy ytd! FINALLY!
haha~ we went out tgt with huimin, jess & ruiying ytd to celebrate since we are all SINGLE, i guess.
we had so much fun =D
1st we met at amk hub at 1.30pm. i was late cos i forgot to bring my ez link card =x
i feel so so so sorry! cos i din prepare any valentine's gift for them...& they did T_T.
so i was thinking of returning their gifts on white valentine which is still very far away & i din even noe when XD
ying said it is a day before xmas O_O
okays, after we met, we went to the arcade...
the purpose of gg to kiap bear! HAHA!
well, actually, onli i n ting were the ones spending money to kiap bear.
the worst thing is, we din even manage to kiap one! ><

when we were done in amk hub, we went to bugis.
it was super squeezy in the mrt sia! its valentine's! of cos dere were lots of peeps
at bugis, tee went on her own to search for her slippers.
there was an event in bugis actually. some event for valentine's.
im not sure abt wat it was, but i onli saw 5 couples, i think, on the stage kissing.
the male had to carry the female while kissing.
they were competing for 2 tickets to hongkong. something liddat.
since ying went to the toilet, we watched the event while waiting for her to return.
ting was so fascinated by the scene =X hahas!!!
den, we proceeded to the arcade again. to kiap bear again =X
well, the day was planned by ting. & the locations we went to have the kiap bear machines.
as usual, we din kiap dao any. i wasnt lucky this time :(
when tee returned, we proceeded to our next location, cityhall. it was evening alr.
however, huimin had to go home already so she din follow us to cityhall...
upon reaching cityhall, we went to marina sq.
we stopped at action city for some time.
ting & tee suddenly went missing =O
this is the prob of gg out in groups, ppl keep gg missing.
well, at least, we manage to find them again.
DEN, we went to kiap bear again =X HAHAHA.
spend quite alot, but still, neva kiap dao even a bear ):
finally, we got to eat our dinner in JustAcia @ suntec. it was 8+pm den.
we got to eat free flow of ice cream & drinks.

after dat we went to fountain of wealth..again for me, tee & jess.
there were some msges dedicated to couples.
den we took some photos dere
the scenary is nice, but too dark!
even after putting flash, the pictures are still so dark...

this is the gift from ting.
haha~ im getting naggy here :l
i wun say much anymore le...
i had lots of fun ytd
i wonder when we will meet up like this again...
i'll miss u all
- fang
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Time really passes so fast sia...posting results were jus out last week
& now we have started school for a week liao :l
well, me & tee were having orientation while ying & ting were listening to talks! HAHA.
jess, py, robin, gary, edward & gp are in VJC too!! & of cos alot of ppl go to AJC. T_T
i had difficulties gg to the new school sia...keep alighting at the wrong stops for lian xu 2 days!
i dun wan to describe the details anymore.....they already noe the story now.
tee is so lucky! his dad drive her to school everyday... aww T_T
me & tee are chao ta-ed after gg to ECP on fri as part of our orientation.
this is the worst sunburnt i have ever had ><
i met ting & ying on fri too in amk hub. but we spent veh little time talking onli & i had to go to suntec for the mass dance ):
tee is so enthu!!! & she wanted to join SC or CT, adding tgt to form ST (this 'joke' came from jess) =_=
i have absolutely no idea wat CCA to join!!!
some wanted to join ODAC but it isnt suitable for me either ~.~
overall, the orientation in VJC is okay. i onli love the mass dance@suntec on fri cos i get to spend time with zhrians! :D
how i wish my og comprises of the zhrians. it will b so much more fun than the og i am in
as everybody knows, im quiet & doesnt initiate conversation.
so nobody talks to me in the og & i feel super boreddd. i feel redundant. ):
i can only say the details of the things dat happen in VJC. as for AJC, either ting or ying have to post them :D
i look forward to next sat! ITS VALENTINE'S DAY!
& we are gg to spend the day tgt! :D
(im still waiting for ting to post :P)
- fang